Help building a basic roleplaying script

I need help building a basic rpg script with many commands and animations (example of animations: sleep, hands up. I want a basic car, business, and house systems. Licenses that are obtained by going to a License centre. Basing the server in all cities, State owned car dealerships and player owned car dealerships. Spawn place is Jefforson Motel. Start money is 10 grand. And anything else that might make the script be good. I have no experiance at using the pawno and either need a tutorial on how to make my script or someone make it for me and have a special thanks for the script on the server. If you can help, then that'll be awsome.

Sorry for the bump...

Take codes out of godfather and pen1ls... maybe even Carlito's Roleplay.
#3 is your best friend when learning to script.

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