Timer to check database

Hi there!

As I'm working on a webshop system I am trying to figure out if it's possible to make the GM check certain values in the SQL database every 5/10 minutes..

For example:

Player buys 4 gold coins

DB player account:
"gold" was 0 is now 4

Timer checks and notices "coins" is 4

Gamemessage for player if value changed (if unchanged, no matter what number)
You have bought 4 gold coins!

Or is there a better way to do this?


The best way IMO is to use sockets (plugin), but you could also do it your way, that would work too, but if you are doing a query for each player at the same time for example, that could be bad in the long-run when you are probable to have lots of players. If you are not limited by your samp host then i'd suggest you use sockets

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