Texture Studio problem

Hello guys,as u already know,I had a project called "wuzimu's house" that apparently turned into "Hitman's house interior" but it doesen't mind... The fact is that I almost finished it and I assamblet it by parts and added them to gamemode..now,when i only have a few details to do...the texture studio is crashing or not supporting so many objects and when I tipe /flymode the image stucks (the image you see a little bit when u're respawned) and i can't move it...I can get out some objects from the map to finish it,it's not so hard...but i won't be able to film it as it deserves because trust me guys,it's the best house interior you've seen on these forums.

MESSAGE FOR MODERATORS: I'm sorry that i've postet it here guys,but i did it also at disscusion topic and they deleted it from there..move it wherever you think it fits,thanks.

P.S. Please gimme some solution ideas because i really want to show you this map guys..and I want to film it and make a good presentation too.

Hi, how many objects do you have? exactly crash because of the number of objects? perhaps because of a certain object. Can you make a screen?

I did a video,check it here: https://streamable.com/8df2q

sorry you can explain more clearly no. Because I can not understand the meaning in this video.

man i can't move in flymode and i cant do anything because i added about 1000 objects in gamemode,if i get some of them out i can use TS,but if i put all of them i can't do shit.

You can save 1000 objects in a folder then rework to see if it can move. If not then you reset the studio textures.

If i get out the objects from gamemode it works man,but i need all of them because i want to film the map I made..i reseted the TS and tryed it on laptop and computer..it does the same if it has so many objects added.

sorry , i no help

Why did you add objects in the gamemode if this can be done in the TS project? Just increase the distance of drawing

Alcatraz more than 1k objects


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