GM closing compiling Samp-server

I have a problem on a GM my ... it normally only compiles with warnings of variables / arrays not used, but the Samp-server closes the time I start it ....

Pastebin link in the gamemode:

Excuse me my English! I am Brazilian

****** translator and a shit

You need to sort out the errors. I compiled that and there are a few. The amx won't be produced till they are corrected that is why your server won't open.

friend at the ****** translated you said I need to resolve some errors, and the AMX will not be produced until the errors are corrected ... But on my computer that it usually appears only compiling errors of variables not used (which I still I use) ...

If you like someone help ....

I at the moment only know of two things that stops a server loading GM.

1. No amx.
2. No game modes in server.cfg.

Errors can stop the compiler producing a amx until they are resolved. So I would resolve any errors and check if you have GM in server.cfg. If any one else knows more then those two please post as I have only experienced them.

Friend could be all that was not!

I compiled the gm via cmd


My server.cfg:
echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password 123456
maxplayers 4
port 7777
hostname BraZilian Ultimate RPG
mapname San Andreas
gamemode0 br 1
filterscripts adminspec vactions cars
announce 1
query 1
anticheat 0

And still close (I open the program an error message and puf! Closes)


All I can say is fix them. I never try to run my GM until any errors or warnings are resolved. So I never have any promblems. As I never have any problems thats as far as my knowledge goes unfortunately. So even if that fails wait for some else to post as it could be something else which I have no experience of. Sorry mate but just try to fix all issues.

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