Sound ID for m4/ak

Does anyone know the sound ID for m4/ak47? Like a single shot sound. I could find it at GTA SA sfx, general sound, library 137, sound 004. But the problem is, how do you get the sound ID? I've tried many apps that are out there, but they don't seem to have it.

There's this list:

But how do you like preview the sound? Any ideas anyone?

I think weapon sounds aren't available in SA-MP yet. Maybe you might want to check the AudioEvents.txt file from the data folder, I couldn't find weapon sounds tho.

Originally Posted by RIDE2DAY
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I think weapon sounds aren't available in SA-MP yet. Maybe you might want to check the AudioEvents.txt file from the data folder, I couldn't find weapon sounds tho.
I tried man, all the same things. Could not find weapon sounds, too.

Why don't you use an audio streamer? Find the sound fx you want, upload it somewhere and stream it into your server? I know it's a little hacky and in no way ideal, but it'd work?

Originally Posted by Isolated
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Why don't you use an audio streamer? Find the sound fx you want, upload it somewhere and stream it into your server? I know it's a little hacky and in no way ideal, but it'd work?
What your suggesting is what I even thought of, but as you see I'm planning to make gun shot sounds each time a player hits some key, imagine the stream client message spamming the chat box each time a player hits a key, etc.Spacebar..... How bad it will look. That's why I'm looking for PlayPlayerSound, which should be better. Anyway, thanks for sharing your opinion.

Pretty sure you can't access those sounds in SA-MP.

Originally Posted by Isolated
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Why don't you use an audio streamer? Find the sound fx you want, upload it somewhere and stream it into your server? I know it's a little hacky and in no way ideal, but it'd work?
Every gun would make the same sound no?

Then I suppose its better to use Audio Stream for player then, but could we like disable the messages from being shown as Client messages? cause that is what will spam the chat box than.....

Audio Plugin would be the best idea. Using default Audio Streams is very bad for this as there is a noticable delay between triggering the sound and the playback, this is especially bad for sounds that are short and played in a high frequency (like gun sounds).

The alternative would be making the sound longer and repetetive at the exact same frequency as the gunfire, so you don't play the sound on each shot, but rather for the whole duration it is shooting. This would probably not perfectly sync with the actual gun shots but it's, as far as I can see, the best approach using default Audio Streams without spamming the chat or having sounds interrupted/not played because of the delay.


disables the Audio Stream msg

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