Identifier Fixer


I'm looking for a identifier fixer. A identifier fixer thread has been removed, al though, I'm not sure what is the guy's name (Github) who made it.


What are you talking about?

I think he means something that can do a proper auto indentation? i only found tools that did it but not in the most proper way you can use goog.. you know yeah but i still couldn't find a 100% efficient tool.
EDIT: if you mean dracoblue's tidy pawn thing yeah i saw it too noticed it wouldnt open.

Originally Posted by RogueDrifter
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I think he means something that can do a proper auto indentation? i only found tools that did it but not in the most proper way you can use goog.. you know yeah but i still couldn't find a 100% efficient tool.
EDIT: if you mean dracoblue's tidy pawn thing yeah i saw it too noticed it wouldnt open.
Yeah i'm talking about that. I have googed (bing-ed it too) but with no results. I'm not really sure but there was a proper auto identitation fixer a few months ago.

Since PAWN isn't there but has a syntax like C, use this:

The indent for PAWNO is set by default to 4, same with other IDEs.

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