Ability to start background downloads from other virtual world

I think it would be a great thing to Lerner’s the server start background downloads for other virtual worlds, because some maps would be very big and it would be a pain to start the download just when you want to join that world.

I think we should be able to start background downloads for worlds we know the player will go to, so they can do other things while they don’t use the downloading objects, this to prevent the long wait of downloading and being unable to anything and having to wait when you join the other virtual world.

I think scripters will be able to deal wether a player should join or not the virtual world if they haven’t downloaded the world yet. With the existing callback I think is enough.

Thanks for reading

Can't you just add these models for the virtual world 0? AFAIK they should still be available in other virtual worlds.

public OnPlayerFinishedDownloading(playerid, virtualworld)
	new worldid = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid) + 1;
	if(worldid == MAX_VIRTUAL_WORLD)
		return 1;
		SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, worldid);
	return 1;

Originally Posted by m4karow
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public OnPlayerFinishedDownloading(playerid, virtualworld)
	new worldid = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid) + 1;
	if(worldid == MAX_VIRTUAL_WORLD)
		return 1;
		SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, worldid);
	return 1;
yeah, and the player will get tired of waiting ON SERVER JOIN (which is worse) while connecting and disconnect!

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