What if I told you, SAMP GMs can step to another level?

Hi guys :P
I will describe it shortly:
  • scripting in Pawn is poor
  • looking for already existing scripts is like trying to match not exactly matching puzzles
  • there aren't many useful scripts out there
  • Pawn is like handicapped C
But what if I told you... that soon I will release something... something really big.
Introducing AdvancedGDK.

A SAMPGDK based library that I call "AdvancedGDK" written entirely from scratch in C++ using C++14 standard (Visual Studio unfortunately does not support fully C++17 yet) that contains:
  • dynamic object streamer with ability to load/save objects to files
  • dynamic vehicle streamer with ability to load/save static vehicles
  • textdraw manager
  • dialog manager
  • player manager
  • task system (task means here a C++ equivalent of SetTimer based on classes)
  • checkpoint manager (also a streamer for this), with checkpoint intersection rewritten
  • player keyboard manager
  • command manager
  • chat manager
  • teleport manager with hard coded about 30 popular teleport locations
  • color management class that contains over 500 named colors from http://www.colorhexa.com/color-names
  • SHA-256 hash algorithm with salt generator
  • implemented math classes/algorithms/methods like - Vector3 (x, y, z) and Vector2 (x, y) manipulation
  • 100 percent working custom damage synchronisation [progress: 75%]
  • and more subtle things...
Everything is easily extensible, written with a lot of care about performance and code perfection.
In the beginning I decided to create it for my server but then I realized how much time I spent looking for f.e C++ streamer and in the end decided to code everything myself.
I want it to be completely free for every user, with open sources, free to edit and distribute in own servers

The progress:
It is almost completed, everything I mentioned above is already fully completed, but I look forward to add some powerful anti-cheat system. AC might be also added in the future after I release the library.
I need also a little more time to perfect everything - every subtle code piece.

Some images:

Other images are in this gallery:

So far, the project has about 18 000 lines of code.
I also want to create ******* tutorials on how to use this library (but not how to code in C++ )

I am very excited that I reached that far with this project.
Approximate date of release:
14.11.2017 - in two weeks

Tell me guys what do you think please


Looks good man, BTW will this be user friendly?

I am doing everything to make this very user friendly.
Something that will be for sure needed is C++ knowledge at least to understand classes and polymorphism.
There are alot of C++ tutorials on the web

It won't be like writting SAMPGDK plugin - you will not need to care about any callback.
I keep everything as clear as possible and I am trying to commend every piece of header code

What if I told you that you're not the first one to attempt it?

EDIT:OT: I don't intend to sound negative, but would be nice to see if this becomes a thing (stable & rich one preferably)

This thing is not a GameMode library. It is complete GM only suitable for editing and uses ALOT of bad coding practices, that I am avoiding.
Parts of code are written in polish (lol) and most in english.
My project is the library used to write game modes completely from scratch.
Also, C++11 is nowadays old.

IMHO, waste of time and effort for such an old game, even the creator of the modification don't see it as viable to be updated anymore, I would focus in other kind of games.

Originally Posted by Sn0wk
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IMHO, waste of time and effort for such an old game, even the creator of the modification don't see it as viable to be updated anymore, I would focus in other kind of games.
As outdated as it is, It still holds more potential than most of today's games.

Even though I know it was a little waste of time I decided to do that. Even if I don't I would do pretty much the same because I am own creating server anyways.
I know SAMP is an outdated game but there are still a lot of servers out there

This is brilliant, I hope we see this project becoming a thing, good luck.

I like what you're doing, but you're re-inventing the wheel and calling yourself the original inventor. Everything you mentioned already exists and they're not necessarily 'poor'. Is there any clear advantage to using this plugin instead of the existing includes/plugins?

Good luck anyways!

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