Helping with the command

Hey there, well i was trying to make a command with 2 functions , now heres the thing
the command unimpounds a vehicle the thing is that i cant make it like i want.

If a player types for example /unimpound 3 it will unimpound vehicle id 3 , i've arrived till here i mean i made it to unimpound the vehicle 3 but the other thing is
if a player types /unimpound it will show the dialog which i made

now the problem is that i dont know how to show the dialog if the player hasn't writen any id
and if he writes one it unimpounds the writen id

        else if(!strcmp(tmp, "unimpound", true, 7))
		   if(PlayerInfo[playerid][playerteam] != FAC_TYPE_POLICE && PlayerInfo[playerid][ranklvl] <=2)
               if(!strlen(tmp2) || !IsNumeric(tmp2)) return SCP(playerid, "car unimpound [ ID ]");
				new theunimpoundid = strval(tmp2);
                  if(!dini_Isset(globalstats, "unimpoundslot"))
            dini_IntSet(globalstats, "unimpoundslot", 0);
            new ri = dini_Int(globalstats, "unimpoundslot");
            if(ri >= sizeof(unimpoundpos))
                ri = 0;
                dini_IntSet(globalstats, "unimpoundslot", 0);
            else dini_IntSet(globalstats, "unimpoundslot", ri+1);
            VehicleInfo[theunimpoundid][vX] = unimpoundpos[ri][spawnx];
            VehicleInfo[theunimpoundid][vY] = unimpoundpos[ri][spawny];
            VehicleInfo[theunimpoundid][vZ] = unimpoundpos[ri][spawnz];
            VehicleInfo[theunimpoundid][vA] = unimpoundpos[ri][sangle];
            VehicleInfo[theunimpoundid][vVirtualWorld] = 0;
            VehicleInfo[theunimpoundid][vImpounded] = 0;
            VehicleInfo[theunimpoundid][vImpoundFee] = 0;
            myStrcpy(VehicleInfo[theunimpoundid][vImpoundReason], "None");
             new iBigStr[1575], iCount, iSmllStr[128];
            strcat(iBigStr, "Vehicle\tImpound fee\tImpound Reason\n");
                if(VehicleInfo[v][vActive] != true) continue;
                if(strcmp(PlayerName(playerid), VehicleInfo[v][vOwner], false)) continue;
                if(VehicleInfo[v][vImpounded] != 1) continue;
                if(VehicleInfo[v][vImpounded] == 1 && VehicleInfo[v][vSpawned] != true)
                    format(iSmllStr, sizeof(iSmllStr), "%d %s(%d)\t%d\t%s\n", v, GetVehicleNameFromModel(VehicleInfo[v][vModel]),VehicleInfo[v][rID],VehicleInfo[v][vImpoundFee], VehicleInfo[v][vImpoundReason]);
                strcat(iBigStr, iSmllStr);
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_UNIMPOUND, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, "{3196ef}Please select vehicle you would like to unimpound", iBigStr, "Select", "Exit");
            if(!iCount) return SendClientError(playerid, "You don't have any impounded vehicle");
            return 1;

I can't believe in 2017 there is someone who doesn't use sscanf.
Man, use sscanf and zcmd

Im already using the zcmd and sscanf lol
The command is car unimpound but there are more cmds in car cmd so

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