Textdraw Question

Hello, I am using iPleomax's texdraw maker and I am trying to make something like this.

I know how to work on iPleomax, but I dont know how are they rotating that top and bottom header/footer in slanding way.

Whenever I make a box its perfectly vertical and I cant rotate it..

If you dont understand what I am trying to say, take a look at this

I want to change this:



It's probably just a TXD sprite/HUD icon or Object model used as the textdraw. But looking at the borderlines, it seems to be a HUD icon being stretched (wide size) and placed only half part of it.

You can rotate object model textdraw, and so you can use a rectangular shape objects (e.g. walls) and rotate it as you wish. But to be noted, textdraw with object models is more heavy than normal textdraws (can cause lag/fps drop).

The function to change textdraw font, sprite, and object is this:

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