Get coordinates of the point at which a camera is pointed at

I'm setting up a CCTV system for my users and I ran into a problem.
Is there a way to get the coordinates of the point at which a camera is pointing at? I need them to set the angle of the player's POV when he gets into camera mode, which is wrong by default.

Well try to get player's camera looking angle, use sin/cos with degrees, use high number, and try to combine it with CA_RayCastLine (ColAndreas Function) to get closest X,Y,Z.

The only information that i have are the position of camera and its rotation. How i could do?

Why you need those positions? Can you write more?

The information i need is the point (x,y,z) that camera is looking when it has a certain rotation (rx,ry,rz).
This is for set correctly the playercameralookat when a player enter in camera mode.

Convert it to a vector and add that vector to the camera position:

// Assume rx, ry, rz hold the rotation in degrees, x, y, z is the position and range is the distance

new Float:px = x - range * floatcos(rx, degrees) * floatsin(rz, degrees);
new Float:py = y + range * floatcos(rx, degrees) * floatcos(rz, degrees);
new Float:pz = z + range * floatsin(rx, degrees);
px, py, pz will then be the new position with the defined distance from the camera position.

You actually only need rx and rz since the camera cannot be rotated on the Y axis anyway.

If you need to find an actual collision point the camera is pointing at, use a high distance (300 should be sufficient), and raycast between both points.

use this

just point the camera where u want it to be and click Copy CameraLookAt() Coords

and then press CTRL + V and u will get your coords

Originally Posted by NaS
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Convert it to a vector and add that vector to the camera position:

// Assume rx, ry, rz hold the rotation in degrees, x, y, z is the position and range is the distance

new Float:px = x - range * floatcos(rx, degrees) * floatsin(rz, degrees);
new Float:py = y + range * floatcos(rx, degrees) * floatcos(rz, degrees);
new Float:pz = z + range * floatsin(rx, degrees);
px, py, pz will then be the new position with the defined distance from the camera position.

You actually only need rx and rz since the camera cannot be rotated on the Y axis anyway.

If you need to find an actual collision point the camera is pointing at, use a high distance (300 should be sufficient), and raycast between both points.
This works perfect Thank you.

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