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can someone make a simple filterscript
for example
"if a player enters in server he gets xx of ammount only once"

PHP код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
GivePlayerMoney(playerid5000); //change 5000 with whatever you want
return 1;


Originally Posted by UberEverywhere
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PHP код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
GivePlayerMoney(playerid5000); //change 5000 with whatever you want
return 1;

You do realize that the player will get $5.000 whenever he connects, right?

I do, but the topic creator didn't mention which database he was using.
If he did, i would check if the player is registered or not, if he is not, it will give him the cash, but if he is, it won't give him.

Originally Posted by UberEverywhere
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I do, but the topic creator didn't mention which database he was using.
If he did, i would check if the player is registered or not, if he is not, it will give him the cash, but if he is, it won't give him.
Originally Posted by aniket14
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can someone make a simple filterscript
for example
"if a player enters in server he gets xx of ammount only once"

la admin

Originally Posted by UberEverywhere
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I do, but the topic creator didn't mention which database he was using.
If he did, i would check if the player is registered or not, if he is not, it will give him the cash, but if he is, it won't give him.
i am using la admin
is there any way to give player cash only once ?

Originally Posted by UberEverywhere
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I do, but the topic creator didn't mention which database he was using.
If he did, i would check if the player is registered or not, if he is not, it will give him the cash, but if he is, it won't give him.
i don't want the continuous loop player should get xx ammount to money only once and if he retry's he won't get that again

Originally Posted by killer9
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i don't want the continuous loop player should get xx ammount to money only once and if he retry's he won't get that again
Can you show us your register/login system code or something? Or at least tell us the saving system Y_ini or Dini or MySQL.

Originally Posted by Escobabe
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Can you show us your register/login system code or something? Or at least tell us the saving system Y_ini or Dini or MySQL.
i am using la admin in my gamemode
Y_ini saving system

This one https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=19819

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