[Include] Auto Chat Wipe

Auto Chat Wipe v1

This small Include will add an Auto Chat Wiping feature to your Server.

It will slowly, but constantly send empty lines to players that did not recieve any client messages for a while.
But it won't just spam messages, it will only send a defined number of lines after a specified Delay.

This is useful if there is not much going on in the chat, so older messages can be hidden and the chat gets a bit smaller.
Furthermore it is a good way to easily see if there are any new messages, or only older messages (I use this for a Map Editor - accidently duplicating an object twice can be easily noticed with this feature, for example).


To install it, include it in every Script that can potentially send client messages.
The Gamemode will act as Master Script.

For this to work properly, you must define

before including this in any Filterscript. The Gamemode doesn't need any additional setup.

Note: RCON Responses, messages sent by Server Plugins and Client Commands are not considered.


You can configure the Master (Gamemode) Script to work as you wish with the following defines (define them before including autochatwipe.inc):


Pause Delay in seconds after sending a regular client message.


Interval in seconds for sending empty lines.


Maximum number of successive empty Lines to send.

You can prevent the Script to excecute for specific players by setting ACW_Enabled[playerid] to false (will be added as a function later). Only works in the Gamemode Script for now.


- GitHub


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