25.09.2017, 18:42
Последний раз редактировалось STRIKER19501; 26.09.2017 в 16:31.
hello there,
i am using ysi/y_ini to save/load system to save files ,i wanted to know if an dynamic system is possible with ysi/y_ini , if it is can any one pls tell me how to do it .i have been searching for it but found nothing i just want the basic format or tutorial for dynamic house with ysi/y_ini .......
example : actor save/load
thnx in advance...
i am using ysi/y_ini to save/load system to save files ,i wanted to know if an dynamic system is possible with ysi/y_ini , if it is can any one pls tell me how to do it .i have been searching for it but found nothing i just want the basic format or tutorial for dynamic house with ysi/y_ini .......
example : actor save/load
thnx in advance...