Server Shutting Down



Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[14:18:17] filterscripts = "" (string)
[14:18:17] Server Plugins
[14:18:17] --------------
[14:18:17] Loading plugin: FCNPC
[14:18:17] -------------------------------------------------
[14:18:17] FCNPC - Fully Controllable NPC v1.7.5
[14:18:17] Windows SA-MP 0.3.7 R2
[14:18:17] Sep 6 2017 at 20:33:10
[14:18:17] Author: OrMisicL (2013 - 2015)
[14:18:17] Continued by: ziggi (2016 - present)
[14:18:17] Contributors: kurta999, Neutralneu
[14:18:17] -------------------------------------------------
[14:18:17] Loading...
[14:18:17] Loaded.
[14:18:17] Loading plugin: MapAndreas
[14:18:17] Loaded.
[14:18:17] Loaded 2 plugins.

[14:18:17] Filterscripts
[14:18:17] ---------------
[14:18:17] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[14:18:17] MapAndreas: plugin could not init!
[14:18:17] MapAndreas: check files and make sure you have enough memory!
[14:18:17] [npc:join] Zombie0 has joined the server (312:
[14:18:17] [npc:join] Zombie1 has joined the server (311:
[14:18:17] [npc:join] Zombie2 has joined the server (310:
[14:18:17] [npc:join] Zombie3 has joined the server (309:
[14:18:17] [npc:join] Zombie4 has joined the server (308:
[14:18:17] [npc:join] Zombie5 has joined the server (307:
[14:18:17] [npc:join] Zombie6 has joined the server (306:
[14:18:17] [npc:join] Zombie7 has joined the server (305:
[14:18:17] [npc:join] Zombie8 has joined the server (304:
[14:18:17] [npc:join] Zombie9 has joined the server (303:
[14:18:17] [npc:join] Zombie10 has joined the server (302:
[14:18:17] [npc:join] Zombie11 has joined the server (301:
[14:18:17] [npc:join] Zombie12 has joined the server (300:
[14:18:17] [npc:join] Zombie13 has joined the server (299:
[14:18:17] [npc:join] Zombie14 has joined the server (298:
[14:18:17] [npc:join] Zombie15 has joined the server (297:
[14:18:17] [npc:join] Zombie16 has joined the server (296:
[14:18:17] [npc:join] Zombie17 has joined the server (295:
[14:18:17] [npc:join] Zombie18 has joined the server (294:
[14:18:17] [npc:join] Zombie19 has joined the server (293:
[14:18:17] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'ZombieRequest' not created. Name 'ZombieRequest' is invalid or the maxnpc limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[14:18:17] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar0' not created. Name 'Militar0' is invalid or the maxnpc limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[14:18:17] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar1' not created. Name 'Militar1' is invalid or the maxnpc limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[14:18:17] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar2' not created. Name 'Militar2' is invalid or the maxnpc limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[14:18:17] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar3' not created. Name 'Militar3' is invalid or the maxnpc limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[14:18:17] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar4' not created. Name 'Militar4' is invalid or the maxnpc limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[14:18:17] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar5' not created. Name 'Militar5' is invalid or the maxnpc limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[14:18:17] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar6' not created. Name 'Militar6' is invalid or the maxnpc limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[14:18:17] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar7' not created. Name 'Militar7' is invalid or the maxnpc limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[14:18:17] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar8' not created. Name 'Militar8' is invalid or the maxnpc limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[14:18:17] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar9' not created. Name 'Militar9' is invalid or the maxnpc limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[14:18:17] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar10' not created. Name 'Militar10' is invalid or the maxnpc limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[14:18:17] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar11' not created. Name 'Militar11' is invalid or the maxnpc limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 6 substituida por Curativo
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 9 substituida por Roupa (SWAT)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 9 substituida por Roupa (LSDP)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 12 substituida por Bolsa de sangue
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 18 substituida por Faca
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 21 substituida por Roupa (bandit)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 22 substituida por Roupa (civil)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 23 substituida por Galгo de gasolina vazio
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 29 substituida por Macarrгo enlatado
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 29 substituida por Bolsa de sangue
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 32 substituida por Kit mйdico
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 33 substituida por Feijхes
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 35 substituida por Feijхes
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 36 substituida por Kit reparo veнculo
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 38 substituida por Pente de muniзгo 556
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 39 substituida por Macarrгo enlatado
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 40 substituida por Muniзгo calibre 12
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 41 substituida por Madeira
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 41 substituida por Hamburguer
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 42 substituida por Aquecedor
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 48 substituida por Roupa (civil)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 51 substituida por Aquecedor
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 55 substituida por Salgadinhos
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 59 substituida por Muniзгo calibre 12
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 61 substituida por Muniзгo calibre .338
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 66 substituida por Roupa (LSDP)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 70 substituida por Carne crua
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 71 substituida por Galгo de gasolina vazio
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 85 substituida por Salgadinhos
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 86 substituida por Garrafa com бgua
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 87 substituida por Mochila grande
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 87 substituida por Galгo de gasolina vazio
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 91 substituida por Garrafa com wisky
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 94 substituida por Sinalizador
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 99 substituida por Aquecedor
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 100 substituida por Pente de muniзгo 762
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 101 substituida por Roupa (LSDP)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 102 substituida por Mochila pequena
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 110 substituida por GPS
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 110 substituida por Garrafa com wisky
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 114 substituida por Roupa (civil)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 120 substituida por Roupa (LSDP)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 123 substituida por Bolsa de sangue
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 126 substituida por Garrafa com wisky
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 126 substituida por Pente de muniзгo 556
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 127 substituida por Mochila pequena
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 129 substituida por Pente de miniзгo .50
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 129 substituida por Salgadinhos
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 133 substituida por Kit reparo veнculo
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 139 substituida por Muniзгo calibre 12
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 147 substituida por Hamburguer
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 147 substituida por Madeira
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 148 substituida por Bolsa de sangue
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 153 substituida por Salgadinhos
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 155 substituida por Anбlgйsico
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 155 substituida por Leite
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 156 substituida por Pente de muniзгo 556
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 156 substituida por Garrafa com бgua
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 158 substituida por Roupa (militar)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 159 substituida por Roupa (civil)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 162 substituida por Kit mйdico
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 163 substituida por Bolsa de sangue
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 164 substituida por Macarrгo enlatado
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 165 substituida por Roupa (SWAT)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 166 substituida por Galгo de gasolina vazio
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 169 substituida por Carne assada
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 170 substituida por Kit mйdico
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 170 substituida por Katana
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 171 substituida por Mochila grande
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 173 substituida por Galгo de gasolina cheio
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 173 substituida por Curativo
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 174 substituida por Madeira
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 175 substituida por Leite
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 180 substituida por Pizza
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 181 substituida por Macarrгo enlatado
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 182 substituida por Morfina
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 182 substituida por Roupa (bandit)
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 188 armado com Rifle simples
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 188 armado com Rifle simples
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 188 armado com Rifle simples
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 188 armado com Roupa (bandit)
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 188 armado com Muniзгo calibre .338
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 188 armado com Muniзгo calibre .338
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 189 substituida por Muniзгo calibre 12
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 189 armado com Escopeta automбtica
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 189 armado com Escopeta automбtica
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 189 armado com Escopeta automбtica
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 189 substituida por Aquecedor
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 189 armado com Aquecedor
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 189 armado com Muniзгo calibre .338
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 189 armado com Muniзгo calibre .338
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 190 substituida por Muniзгo calibre .338
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 190 armado com Escopeta cano longo
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 190 armado com Escopeta cano longo
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 190 armado com Escopeta cano longo
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 190 substituida por GPS
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 190 armado com GPS
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 190 armado com Muniзгo calibre .338
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 190 armado com Muniзгo calibre .338
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 190 substituida por Pente de muniзгo 9mm
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 190 armado com Pente de muniзгo 9mm
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 190 armado com Pente de muniзгo 9mm
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 190 armado com Pente de muniзгo 9mm
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 191 substituida por Bolsa de sangue
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 191 armado com UZI 9mm
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 191 armado com UZI 9mm
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 191 armado com UZI 9mm
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 191 armado com Katana
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 191 armado com Muniзгo calibre .338
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 191 armado com Muniзгo calibre .338
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 191 armado com Feijхes
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 191 armado com Feijхes
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 191 armado com Muniзгo calibre .338
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 191 armado com Roupa (bandit)
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 191 armado com Roupa (bandit)
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 191 armado com Roupa (bandit)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 192 substituida por Garrafa com бgua
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 192 armado com Escopeta automбtica
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 192 armado com Escopeta automбtica
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 192 armado com Escopeta automбtica
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 192 substituida por Mochila grande
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 192 armado com Mochila grande
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 192 armado com Muniзгo calibre 12
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 192 armado com Muniзгo calibre 12
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 192 armado com Carne assada
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 192 armado com Carne assada
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 192 armado com Muniзгo calibre .338
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 193 substituida por Pente de muniзгo 9mm
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 193 armado com Rifle simples
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 193 armado com Rifle simples
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 193 armado com Rifle simples
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 193 armado com Katana
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 193 armado com Pente de muniзгo 9mm
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 193 armado com Pente de muniзгo 9mm
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 194 armado com Fuzil AK47
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 194 armado com Fuzil AK47
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 194 armado com Fuzil AK47
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 194 armado com Sinalizador
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 194 armado com Pente de muniзгo 762
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 194 armado com Pente de muniзгo 762
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 194 armado com Pente de muniзгo 762
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 194 armado com Pente de muniзгo 762
[14:18:17] Area69: DROP: 194 armado com Pente de muniзгo 762
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 195 substituida por Mochila mйdia
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 195 substituida por Leite
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 196 substituida por Anбlgйsico
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 196 substituida por Galгo de gasolina vazio
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 198 substituida por Mochila grande
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 198 substituida por Roupa (civil)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 199 substituida por Morfina
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 201 substituida por Feijхes
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 202 substituida por Sinalizador
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 203 substituida por Roupa (militar)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 203 substituida por Bolsa de sangue
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 204 substituida por Roupa (militar)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 204 substituida por Kit mйdico
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 205 substituida por Carne assada
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 206 substituida por Muniзгo calibre .338
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 207 substituida por Curativo
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 207 substituida por Roupa (militar)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 208 substituida por GPS
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 208 substituida por Garrafa com бgua
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 209 substituida por Garrafa com wisky
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 211 substituida por Garrafa com бgua
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 212 substituida por Mochila pequena
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 212 substituida por Roupa (LSDP)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 213 substituida por Roupa (SWAT)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 215 substituida por Muniзгo calibre .338
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 215 substituida por Roupa (militar)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 216 substituida por Feijхes
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 217 substituida por Salgadinhos
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 217 substituida por Madeira
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 217 substituida por Anбlgйsico
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 218 substituida por Mochila mйdia
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 219 substituida por Leite
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 220 substituida por Macarrгo enlatado
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 223 substituida por Fosforo
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 223 substituida por Roupa (bandit)
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 223 substituida por Pizza
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 223 substituida por Anбlgйsico
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 224 substituida por Bolsa de sangue
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 224 substituida por Galгo de gasolina cheio
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 225 substituida por Madeira
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 225 substituida por Pizza
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 226 substituida por Hamburguer
[14:18:17] Arma no DropID: 226 substituida por Muniзгo calibre 12
[14:18:17] Spawnado 1 itens de Garrafa vazia
[14:18:17] Spawnado 11 itens de Garrafa com бgua
[14:18:17] Spawnado 20 itens de Garrafa com wisky
[14:18:17] Spawnado 22 itens de Leite
[14:18:17] Spawnado 21 itens de Salgadinhos
[14:18:17] Spawnado 24 itens de Pizza
[14:18:17] Spawnado 17 itens de Feijхes
[14:18:17] Spawnado 20 itens de Hamburguer
[14:18:17] Spawnado 22 itens de Macarrгo enlatado
[14:18:17] Spawnado 17 itens de Carne crua
[14:18:17] Spawnado 19 itens de Carne assada
[14:18:17] Spawnado 91 itens de Kit mйdico
[14:18:17] Spawnado 95 itens de Curativo
[14:18:17] Spawnado 65 itens de Bolsa de sangue
[14:18:17] Spawnado 18 itens de Aquecedor
[14:18:17] Spawnado 35 itens de Morfina
[14:18:17] Spawnado 21 itens de Anбlgйsico
[14:18:17] Spawnado 17 itens de Sinalizador
[14:18:17] Spawnado 19 itens de Madeira
[14:18:17] Spawnado 19 itens de Galгo de gasolina vazio
[14:18:17] Spawnado 17 itens de Galгo de gasolina cheio
[14:18:17] Spawnado 16 itens de Roupa (civil)
[14:18:17] Spawnado 14 itens de Roupa (bandit)
[14:18:17] Spawnado 12 itens de Roupa (LSDP)
[14:18:17] Spawnado 7 itens de Roupa (SWAT)
[14:18:17] Spawnado 10 itens de Roupa (militar)
[14:18:17] Spawnado 14 itens de Faca
[14:18:17] Spawnado 17 itens de Katana
[14:18:17] Spawnado 3 itens de Pistola 9mm
[14:18:17] Spawnado 4 itens de Piltola 9mm com silenciador
[14:18:17] Spawnado 7 itens de Pistola .50
[14:18:17] Spawnado 5 itens de UZI 9mm
[14:18:17] Spawnado 7 itens de TEC-9mm
[14:18:17] Spawnado 5 itens de MP5 9mm
[14:18:17] Spawnado 7 itens de Escopeta cano longo
[14:18:17] Spawnado 7 itens de Escopeta cano serrado
[14:18:17] Spawnado 5 itens de Escopeta automбtica
[14:18:17] Spawnado 5 itens de Fuzil AK47
[14:18:17] Spawnado 3 itens de Fuzil M4A1
[14:18:17] Spawnado 6 itens de Rifle simples
[14:18:17] Spawnado 2 itens de Rifle Sniper
[14:18:17] Spawnado 17 itens de Pente de muniзгo 9mm
[14:18:17] Spawnado 17 itens de Pente de miniзгo .50
[14:18:17] Spawnado 18 itens de Muniзгo calibre 12
[14:18:17] Spawnado 17 itens de Pente de muniзгo 762
[14:18:17] Spawnado 17 itens de Pente de muniзгo 556
[14:18:17] Spawnado 23 itens de Muniзгo calibre .338
[14:18:17] Spawnado 16 itens de Mochila pequena
[14:18:17] Spawnado 15 itens de Mochila mйdia
[14:18:17] Spawnado 12 itens de Mochila grande
[14:18:17] Spawnado 17 itens de GPS
[14:18:17] Spawnado 12 itens de Kit reparo veнculo
[14:18:17] Spawnado 18 itens de Fosforo
[14:18:17] «
[14:18:17] ______________
[14:18:17] |\ SAMP /| _________
[14:18:17] | \ Zombie / | | ____ _____ /\
[14:18:17] | \ Mode / | | / / / \
[14:18:17] | \ 1.01 / | | \____ \_____ /____\
[14:18:17] | \ / | | \ \ / \
[14:18:17] | \ / | | ______/ ______/ / \ Project.
[14:18:17] |______\/______| ©2017-2018 The Walking Dead
[14:18:17] » «

[14:18:17] Number of vehicle models: 12
[14:18:18] --- Server Shutting Down.
[14:18:18] [npcart] Zombie19 has left the server (293:0)
[14:18:18] [npcart] Zombie18 has left the server (294:0)
[14:18:18] [npcart] Zombie17 has left the server (295:0)
[14:18:18] [npcart] Zombie16 has left the server (296:0)
[14:18:18] [npcart] Zombie15 has left the server (297:0)
[14:18:18] [npcart] Zombie14 has left the server (298:0)
[14:18:18] [npcart] Zombie13 has left the server (299:0)
[14:18:18] [npcart] Zombie12 has left the server (300:0)
[14:18:18] [npcart] Zombie11 has left the server (301:0)
[14:18:18] [npcart] Zombie10 has left the server (302:0)
[14:18:18] [npcart] Zombie9 has left the server (303:0)
[14:18:18] [npcart] Zombie8 has left the server (304:0)
[14:18:18] [npcart] Zombie7 has left the server (305:0)
[14:18:18] [npcart] Zombie6 has left the server (306:0)
[14:18:18] [npcart] Zombie5 has left the server (307:0)
[14:18:18] [npcart] Zombie4 has left the server (308:0)
[14:18:18] [npcart] Zombie3 has left the server (309:0)
[14:18:18] [npcart] Zombie2 has left the server (310:0)
[14:18:18] [npcart] Zombie1 has left the server (311:0)
[14:18:18] [npcart] Zombie0 has left the server (312:0)
[14:18:18] FCNPC Unloaded.


[14:18:17] MapAndreas: plugin could not init!
[14:18:17] MapAndreas: check files and make sure you have enough memory!
You need more/big rams!

Originally Posted by AzaMx
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[14:18:17] MapAndreas: plugin could not init!
[14:18:17] MapAndreas: check files and make sure you have enough memory!
You need more/big rams!
I dont understand why this is happening, i check all the files and everything is ok.

Is the safull.hmap correctly placed in scriptfiles? or somewhere?

Originally Posted by AzaMx
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Is the safull.hmap correctly placed in scriptfiles? or somewhere?
Actually the script dont have safull.hmap, and also tried to put and same problem still shutdown.

Try to create "ACS" folder in scriptfiles.

EDIT: This problem was asked before, and this is the best answer..

have you added auto shutdown to the script?

now everything is ok, but there is 1 problem


[15:18:30] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'ZombieRequest' not created. The maxplayers limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[15:18:30] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar0' not created. The maxplayers limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[15:18:30] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar1' not created. The maxplayers limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[15:18:30] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar2' not created. The maxplayers limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[15:18:30] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar3' not created. The maxplayers limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[15:18:30] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar4' not created. The maxplayers limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[15:18:30] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar5' not created. The maxplayers limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[15:18:30] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar6' not created. The maxplayers limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[15:18:30] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar7' not created. The maxplayers limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[15:18:30] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar8' not created. The maxplayers limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[15:18:30] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar9' not created. The maxplayers limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[15:18:30] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar10' not created. The maxplayers limit in server.cfg has been reached.
[15:18:30] [FCNPC] Error: NPC 'Militar11' not created. The maxplayers limit in server.cfg has been reached.


change in the server.cfg the max players

As an FYI if you're using v1.0:

Important: This plugin uses approximately 70MB of RAM. If you are using shared hosting or a VPS, please confirm with your host that this is okay. A version that uses less RAM is planned although it won't have the same level of accuracy.


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