Help with this

Hi, i have a privatecar script.
And i want to make a /lend [id] command.
So like if the specified name for the car is: JoeDaDude
And another person called for lets say: Torran.
Trys to enter it will kick torran out, But let joedadude in.
But i want to make a command to lend a certain person with the [id]
the car until they go of the server, Once gone of server car wont be theres anymore.
I want this so lets say. If someones ID: 1 i can type /lend 1
ONLY when im in the car i want to lend him.
And if i want to lend someone else the car i type: /lend 2
Again only in the car, Only im no good with ID,
Does anyone have the code for this

ATM how does it check if the player is the owner of the car?

pawn Код:
new PlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
      GetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerName, sizeof(PlayerName));
      if(strcmp(PlayerName, "[TXS]Torran", false) == 0)

I mean is thier name set to a variable?, It will have to be if you want to do this

Erm not understanding but:
pawn Код:
new veh1;
pawn Код:
veh1 = CreateVehicle[CantBeBotherdToWriteTheCoords]
pawn Код:
new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
  if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && oldstate == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT)
          if(vehicleid == torransuper)

if(strcmp(PlayerName, "[TXS]Torran", false) == 0 || LendingVehicle[playerid])
Then /lend sets LendingVehicle[playerid] to w/e the persons car is, but make sure you reset the variable when a new player connects

Ok ima kinda begginer, And how do i mke the /lend command work and also how do i reset it

use strtok/sscanf and ReturnUser then to reset the LendingVehicle variable set it to something like 999 in OnPlayerConnect

Ok question:
How would i link this to that:
pawn Код:
if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/lend", true)==0)


You would have to have a way of finding out what vehicle that player owns first

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