Hi I'm new And I need some help

well hi to all I've a question, I'm a beginner in script, also I read some tutorials, guides from this forum, but to be honest I don't have any idea how to script an "Admin's Tag" for example when I write any message on the chat (server running) a tag called "[ADMIN]" Appear, I want to make it as a cmd /tag for show the tag and again /tag for hide the tag.

But like I said I don't have any idea for script this cmd, can someone help me pls?

ty for the attention

There are so many ways to do this
PHP код:
SetPlayerName(playerid"[TAG]Your name"); 
or this
PHP код:
Create3DTextLabel(text[], colorFloat:XFloat:YFloat:ZFloat:DrawDistancevirtualworldtestLOS=0
in which you will need to create a timer to keep this on loading that it follows the player through and through which eats up memory

To call commands you can do this
PHP код:
strcmp(cmdtext"/tag"true) == 0)


I don't know much with that OnPlayerCommand thing

I use other includes
such IZCMD, ZCMD and SCMD the last is the one I use and so far what I like the there is also Y-Less's YCMD
CMD:tag(cmdid, playerid, params[])
// Your code here
return 1;
That's all the tips I could do, I will not code because it does not justify anything... Just keep reading and you'll understand

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