ambiguous Function

Hello there, hope you're having a peaceful night,

So while I was checking the SA-MP Wiki, I stumbled across this function called DisableRemoteVehicleCollisions, The problem here is, I find it poorly documented, that I had to idea what it is for even tho having read through the documentation multiple time, heck I even run few test on a testing server to try and figure out what does the function do. At first, I thought it allows players to pass through vehicles or something fancy of some sort, but It wasn't the case.
My question here, is, can someone demonstrate to me what's behind this function? What is it for and what could be accomplished with it.

Wiki page link:

Thanks for this!

This actually allows a player in a vehicle to go through another player in a vehicle good for a race system with tons of players so persons wouldn't be hitting each other and causing a catastrophe.

Edit: I added that info on the wiki as well.

I swear every now and then I stumble upon functions that I didn't even know existed (even after going through the "whole"/"full" list of functions, thanks for sharing this mate, but too bad it doesn't work the way you thought because that's what I thought it did as well when I first clicked the link.

It does allow you to pass through other vehicles but I believe only if those vehicles are being driven by other players. Or perhaps it needs to be enabled in both directions. I have only ever tested this in a mini-missions race mode where this function was enabled for every player in the map (vehicles spawned on an as-needed basis) and it worked flawlessly.

Also called ghost car. Been aware of it ever since the function was added.

If you look up the meaning of "collision" you'll then know what it's for.

Someone also fucked up the wiki:

In Other Words: It Allows a Player in a Vehicle to Go Through Another Player in a Vehicle.


Originally Posted by Paulice
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Also called ghost car. Been aware of it ever since the function was added.

If you look up the meaning of "collision" you'll then know what it's for.

Someone also fucked up the wiki:

Lol, You're such an ass hole & a kid.

How is summarizing the usage messing up the wiki? If that note was there before he would have known the usage don't yah think?

Double lol.

Don't randomly capitalize words when adding content to the wiki... The function already has a description, remove your "In Other Words" text and just add a note or something saying collisions is only disabled between occupied vehicles.

Backfire lol.

EDIT: Did it myself...

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