[FilterScript] Simple VIP System

Simple VIP System
by: James_Barnes(OfekEfron).

Lines: 137
Bugs: 0 (replay me if you find something i will fix it)
Pastebin: Here

HTML Code:
/SetVIPManager - Give someone VIP Manager (Rcon / VIP Manager)
/DelVIPManager - Remove someone from VIP Manager (Rcon / VIP Manager)
/SetVIP - Set someone VIP
/DelVIP - Remove someone from VIP
/VSay - Say in global chat lime VIP
/VGoto - Teleport to someone from VIP
/VipColor - Change your color to VIP Color
/VIPHelp - Menu help to VIP

Why did you define these colors if you are not going to use them in the first place?
PHP Code:
#define COLOR_GREEN 0x1AFF00AA
#define COLOR_BLUE 0x0055ffAA
#define COLOR_LBLUE 0x00aaffAA
#define COLOR_ORANGE 0xFFA600AA 
global variable to work with strings (new str[500];)? Terrible.

You do not need parameters in this command (CMD:viphelp(playerid,params[])) So drop the (params[])

Why did you stick stock mindlessly to all of your functions? Have a look at this https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=570635

The list goes long, I'm just going to stop here, and also, please take time to least organize your thread. Add colors, decorate your paragraphs, upload images...

You did not work hard for making good VIP system, instead of that you made it simple.

Originally Posted by OfekEfron
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Bugs: 0 (replay me if you find something i will fix it)
Pastebin: Here[/CENTER]
so can you make some efforts and add pictures,the commands list,anything so we can be intersted to use this VIP System?

Originally Posted by Ultraz
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so can you make some efforts and add pictures,the commands list,anything so we can be intersted to use this VIP System?
Added list of command you can check this out.

too simple


Would you be kind enough to explain the following keyword for me

PHP Code:

Originally Posted by [Bios]Marcel
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Would you be kind enough to explain the following keyword for me

PHP Code:

Everything you need to know about PAWN in general is actually available at SAMP's wiki.

0 Bugs?

First bug: you are using an full outdated saving system (DOF2)

Second bug: you are using "str" a global variable while you are using it locally so this will create so many wrrong formating for strings and so many mistakes/bugs. also with "500 cells"? that wast of shit.

Third bug: you are using "stock" in a local script, that's not an include nor module system (even modules doesn't use "stock")

Bug #4: Last function in script not needed, this can be done simpley by using #define

Bug #5: in all administrative commands you are using "SVIP(playerid)" so you are checking if player is vip, then the player will be able to use the /setvip.... to set another player vip which is terrible...

Bug #6: in /viplist you are formatting lines to be used on a dialog, note that won't return more than 1 long line because you didn't use "\n" to return to the line

Bug #7: in another command you are using " if(sscanf(params,"u",params[0])) " we'all know this won't work correctly, you are using cells to store an integer, note that params[0] is already this integer, so you should declare a new variable instand of using the native string.

Bug #8 (7.2): in /vsay you are using the samething, but you are returning only the first char of the whole text, because of using params[0] (i bet that you don't know how cells works)

Fatal Bug #9:

PHP код:
public OnFilterScriptInit()

this won't let the DOF2 functions to work, because you already shutted it down

Conclusion: nothing will work in this script.

Now you have bugs to start fixing it ^^

Edit: @Meller https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=570635 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Originally Posted by Meller
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Everything you need to know about PAWN in general is actually available at SAMP's wiki.
For fucks sake, meller ... ofc i know what stock means, but he doesn't because he uses it because he didn't question if its necessary.

Originally Posted by [Bios]Marcel
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For fucks sake, meller ... ofc i know what stock means, but he doesn't because he uses it because he didn't question if its necessary.

i love u 2 <33333

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