Little issue

I've made the code below, for the spawn stuff.
The company spawn has to be there 5 times, just with a number change (a number for each classs)
However when i add it twice or more, it starts throwing out some errors, where i don't know the origin of,

pawn Код:
D:\B\gamemodes\b.pwn(690) : error 020: invalid symbol name ""
D:\B\gamemodes\b.pwn(693) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
D:\B\gamemodes\b.pwn(12191) : warning 203: symbol is never used: ""
D:\B\gamemodes\b.pwn(12191) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "CSs" <- this one is logical, not being used yet

The cSlot is set to it's correct value once the player logs in, so it's being correctly set.
pawn Код:
enum ClassSpawns

new CSs[][ClassSpawns] =
//    X    Y    Z Class  Title
    {2359.6660, 558.4843, 7.7813, 1, "LV Speedboat"},
    {Company[cSlot[playerid]][cX], Company[cSlot[playerid]][cY], Company[cSlot[playerid]][cZ], 4, "Company Spawn"},
    {1707.099243, 1025.796630, 10.820312, 5, "LV Truck Stop"},
    {637.671020,  827.459167, -40.184528, 5, "Hunter Quarry Truck Stop"},
    {Company[cSlot[playerid]][cX], Company[cSlot[playerid]][cY], Company[cSlot[playerid]][cZ], 5, "Company spawn"}

You can only initialize arrays with literals. What you're trying to do is impossible.

Right, thanks for the info, guess no company spawn in there

But why doesn't it give errors when i add it once as the last line?

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