Duplicate connection detected [MYSQL WARNING]

Hello guys, I don't know anything about this warning, please tell me a way to fix this issue. This always happens when I run 'gmx' command in server console and I didn't log out of the server, it just re-connects and then, it shows this warning.

[WARNING] duplicate connection detected: handle id 1 already exists with host = 'localhost', username = 'root' and database = 'bare'


Sorry for posting this without any effort to find out a solution, but now I found!
You just need to put 'mysql_close(MYSQL_HANDLE)' in 'public OnGamemodeExit()'

If you have a filterscript which require to connect to your database, you will get the same warning.
You can use this in your OnGamemodeInit()
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Originally Posted by Dayrion
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If you have a filterscript which require to connect to your database, you will get the same warning.
You can use this in your OnGamemodeInit()
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I got it, thank you.

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