25.07.2017, 14:31
Hello, i use this simple object editor. But i have little problem. When i use /addobject the new object number is 390 instead of 1. 390 becasue i have 390 objects under OnGameModeInIt. How can i do that object made by this editor start at 1 please?
So /addobject creates object number 1. next time /addobject creates object number 2. ect ...
This is the editor:
I would love if someone add /attachobject (i mean attach to player) and /attachsave (save position of attached object on player) commands to this code :P
So /addobject creates object number 1. next time /addobject creates object number 2. ect ...
This is the editor:
#include <a_samp> #include <zcmd> #include <sscanf2> #define culoare 0xFFFFFFAA new objects; new objectmodel[500]; forward WriteLog(string[]); public OnFilterScriptInit() { printf("|------OBJECTS EDITOR--------|"); printf("| |"); printf("| |"); printf("| |"); printf("| |"); printf("|----------------------------|"); return 1; } COMMAND:addobject(playerid, params[]) { new oid,myobject; if (!sscanf(params, "i",oid )) { new string[128]; new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); myobject = CreateObject(oid, x+2, y+2, z+2, 0.0, 0.0, 90.0); format(string, sizeof(string), "CREATED:%d||CreateObject(%d,%f,%f,%f,0.0,0.0,90.0)",myobject,oid,x,y,z); SendClientMessage(playerid,culoare,string); objectmodel[myobject]=oid; objects++; return 1; } else { SendClientMessage(playerid,culoare,"USE : /addobject [objectid]"); SendClientMessage(playerid,culoare,"WARNING : Using an wrong id may crash your server"); return 1; } } COMMAND:editobject(playerid, params[]) { new oid; if (!sscanf(params, "i",oid )) { EditObject(playerid, oid); return 1; }else{SendClientMessage(playerid,culoare,"USE : /editobject [objectid]");SendClientMessage(playerid,culoare,"INFO :Type /objects for a list of created objects"); return 1;} } COMMAND:gotoobject(playerid, params[]) { new oid; if (!sscanf(params, "i",oid )) { new Float:xo, Float:yo, Float:zo; GetObjectPos(oid, xo, yo, zo); SetPlayerPos(playerid,xo+1,yo+1,zo+1); return 1; }else{SendClientMessage(playerid,culoare,"Use :/gotoobject[objectid]"); return 1;} } COMMAND:ohelp(playerid,params[]) { SendClientMessage(playerid,culoare,"/addobject || /editobject ||/gotoobject || /objects || /savemap"); SendClientMessage(playerid,culoare,"/oprew"); return 1; } COMMAND:savemap(playerid, params[]) { for(new i = 0; i <=500; i++) { new stringg[128]; new Float:RotX,Float:RotY,Float:RotZ; GetObjectRot(i, RotX, RotY, RotZ); new Float:xo, Float:yo, Float:zo; GetObjectPos(i, xo, yo, zo); if(xo!=0 && yo!=0 && zo!=0) { format(stringg, sizeof(stringg), "CreateObject(%d,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f);",objectmodel[i],xo,yo,zo,RotX,RotY,RotZ,90); WriteLog(stringg); } } new stringg[128]; format(stringg, sizeof(stringg), "________________//\\_______________"); WriteLog(stringg); SendClientMessage(playerid,culoare,"All Objects have been saved to mapa.txt"); return 1; } COMMAND:objects(playerid, params[]) { SendClientMessage(playerid,culoare,"___________L I S T______________"); for(new i = 1; i <=500; i++) { new stringg[128]; new Float:RotX,Float:RotY,Float:RotZ; GetObjectRot(i, RotX, RotY, RotZ); new Float:xo, Float:yo, Float:zo; GetObjectPos(i, xo, yo, zo); if(xo!=0 && yo!=0 && zo!=0) { format(stringg, sizeof(stringg), "ID:%dCreateObject(%d,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f);",i,objectmodel[i],xo,yo,zo,RotX,RotY,RotZ); SendClientMessage(playerid,culoare,stringg); } } SendClientMessage(playerid,culoare,"________________________________"); return 1; } public WriteLog(string[]) { new entry[192]; format(entry, sizeof(entry), "%s\n",string); new File:hFile; hFile = fopen("mapa.txt", io_append); fwrite(hFile, entry); fclose(hFile); return 1; } public OnPlayerEditObject(playerid, playerobject, objectid, response, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ, Float:fRotX, Float:fRotY, Float:fRotZ) { if(response == EDIT_RESPONSE_FINAL) { SetObjectPos(objectid,fX,fY,fZ); SetObjectRot(objectid,fRotX,fRotY,fRotZ); SendClientMessage(playerid,culoare,"Object Saved"); return 1; } return 1; }