Need Help !!

	if(sscanf(params,"c[300]",params))return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,ERROR_DIALOG+1,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"ERROR!","{FFFFFF}[Usage]:- {EA0000}/creategang [gangname]","Ok","");
this is the code it is a part of a cmd that that creates Gang

So When i go in game and type
/creategang a
A single character then it creates the gang

but when i type name of gang great than 1 character like this
/creategang ab
then it don't make the gang and it shows me this error
[Usage]:-/creategang [gangname]

Here's list of params

Specifier(s)			Name				Example values
	i, d			Integer				1, 42, -10
	c			Character			a, o, *
	l			Logical				true, false
	b			Binary				01001, 0b1100
	h, x			Hex				1A, 0x23
	o			Octal				045 12
	n			Number				42, 0b010, 0xAC, 045
	f			Float				0.7, -99.5
	g			IEEE Float			0.7, -99.5, INFINITY, -INFINITY, NAN, NAN_E
	u			User name/id (bots and players)	******, 0
	q			Bot name/id			ShopBot, 27
	r			Player name/id			******, 42
        s                       String                                Blabla
c is a char, mean single letter, you should use s instand. and there no need for 300 cells, 24 is enough

PHP код:
if(sscanf(params,"s[24]",params))return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,ERROR_DIALOG+1,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"ERROR!","{FFFFFF}[Usage]:- {EA0000}/creategang [gangname]","Ok",""); 

Use this.
PHP код:
new gangname[100];
sscanf(params,"s",gangname))return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,ERROR_DIALOG+1,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"ERROR!","{FFFFFF}[Usage]:- {EA0000}/creategang [gangname]","Ok",""); 
And yes, Read this carefully.

Specifier(s)			Name				Example values
	i, d			Integer				1, 42, -10
	c			Character			a, o, *
	l			Logical				true, false
	b			Binary				01001, 0b1100
	h, x			Hex				1A, 0x23
	o			Octal				045 12
	n			Number				42, 0b010, 0xAC, 045
	f			Float				0.7, -99.5
	g			IEEE Float			0.7, -99.5, INFINITY, -INFINITY, NAN, NAN_E
	u			User name/id (bots and players)	******, 0
	q			Bot name/id			ShopBot, 27
	r			Player name/id			******, 42
        s                       String                                Blabla

Thank u Bro

Originally Posted by Ebisu
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Use this.
PHP код:
new gangname[100];
sscanf(params,"s",gangname))return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,ERROR_DIALOG+1,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"ERROR!","{FFFFFF}[Usage]:- {EA0000}/creategang [gangname]","Ok",""); 
this will not work, because of you didnt add the buffer on string its must be "s[100]" not "s"

EDIT: it will, but not stable (it will give always warnings on console)

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