cache_get_row_int - Invalid datatype

It happens that I already have a gamemode with saved mysql and because I am working on the system of needs, the one of hunger is already and because based on it was that I made the one of urine, until now it goes well and therefore I only have an error with The saved, I do not know which error I am committing and I understand that the cache_get_row_int is to save numbers but doing so gives me this error.

[14:43:50] [ERROR] cache_get_row_int - invalid datatype
Saved Code:

Urine [The error above]
cuenta[playerid][cOrine] = cache_get_row_int (0, 148, server[mysqlControl]);
cuenta[playerid][cHambre] = cache_get_row_int (0, 144, server[mysqlControl]);
I already added the column in mysql with value INT of number, and in length or values I put "3" based on the hunger system that works well

Try this and show me the result to solve it.
cuenta[playerid][cHambre] = cache_get_row_int (0, 144, server[mysqlControl]);
printf("cHambre: %s",cuenta[playerid][cHambre]);

Being cHambre = 90 cOrine = 90 marks me in the printf

cHambre: Z
cOrine: Z

Well, It means you are trying loading something other than an integer from the database with the cache_get_row_int() function; as it only supports loading integers.


The variable I try to save only saves 0 - 100

Uhmm .. You should pass the code so I try. The server.log

Why you don't use cache_get_field_content_int ? Way easier , no need to know field index.
But for your problem , make sure both field indexes its same as the fields from the database where urine and hunger are stored.
And about values/lenght of a int in mysql is useless, that number its only for show when you view the table, integer value will be always same beside that value.

SOLVED, the fields were moved by number and so did not take the right field.

Thank you all

As Banditul18 said, use cache_get_field_content_int(); instead.

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