03.07.2017, 05:31
Последний раз редактировалось Mr.Tony; 03.07.2017 в 06:15.
Finally, it's over.
I managed to pass down the final semestre.
I finally got the Bachelor degree on Economic studies.
That's why i was far away this long....sorry.
You all are the first to know, even my dad doesn't know that yet.
I'm quiet happy it's over...
Kinda went crazy with some extremly difficult subjects that pushed me to cheat out during exam....but nothing can get through the feeling of success.
Thanks for reading.
@for friends asking about my absence,i was really struggling with this.
Happy to be black..
, and Come on don't take me as a troll again seriously im not.
I managed to pass down the final semestre.
I finally got the Bachelor degree on Economic studies.
That's why i was far away this long....sorry.
You all are the first to know, even my dad doesn't know that yet.
I'm quiet happy it's over...
Kinda went crazy with some extremly difficult subjects that pushed me to cheat out during exam....but nothing can get through the feeling of success.
Thanks for reading.
@for friends asking about my absence,i was really struggling with this.
Happy to be black..