29.06.2017, 17:38
Последний раз редактировалось Omirrow; 29.06.2017 в 18:59.
Hey there,
I can detect if the player is holding a weapon but I can't detect if he is using it or not. I'm working on a damage system and I need to detect if the player shoots with the weapon he's holding because when the shooter gets closer to the target and tries to shoot him, he doesn't use the weapon and hits the target with hand and it still detects the weapon so it's an issue for my damage system.
EDIT: I tried to get the animation name the ped does whilst hitting with a gun, not shooting but it's not a different animation or I was not able to get the name of it.
I can detect if the player is holding a weapon but I can't detect if he is using it or not. I'm working on a damage system and I need to detect if the player shoots with the weapon he's holding because when the shooter gets closer to the target and tries to shoot him, he doesn't use the weapon and hits the target with hand and it still detects the weapon so it's an issue for my damage system.
EDIT: I tried to get the animation name the ped does whilst hitting with a gun, not shooting but it's not a different animation or I was not able to get the name of it.