07.06.2017, 16:37
I have a mysql table that stores some data from the player, but somehow sometimes it does not contain any data from the player ..
I am using mysql R39-6
For this kind of script loading data like this
And for response
The table is the loading system with the result data loop using the slot of the vehicle for the index
Is there any error in loading the data ??
NB: That's only 1 table, in the script there are 5 similar tables that are loaded once
Thanks in advance... sorry for my bad english
I am using mysql R39-6
For this kind of script loading data like this
New querys [128]; Mysql_format (mysqlcon, querys, sizeof (querys), "SELECT * FROM cars WHERE ownerid = '% d'", pInfo [playerid] [pMysqlID]); Mysql_tquery (mysqlcon, querys, "accountOnLoadVehicle", "d", extraid);
Forward accountOnLoadVehicle (extraid); Public accountOnLoadVehicle (extraid) { New rows, fields; Cache_get_data (rows, fields); If (rows) { For (new i; i <rows; i ++) { New id = cache_get_field_content_int (i, "slot", mysqlcon); New ids = cache_get_field_content_int (i, "ps", mysqlcon); Bla ... bla..bla .... **} } Return 1; }
Is there any error in loading the data ??
NB: That's only 1 table, in the script there are 5 similar tables that are loaded once
Thanks in advance... sorry for my bad english