Sublime - Notepad++ - Pawn

I would like to know whats the difference between the programs?i know the skin is different and highlighting colors, But what addition things could one of these programs offer that other programs do not offer? is the difference only the buttons that allow you to do a quick thing(like press alt+r for something that would take longer in pawn or other programs)

Using either Notepad++ or Sublime is a matter of preference. Both work equally well in my opinion. Biggest advantage over the stock Pawno editor is having tabs and the much more elaborate support for regex and search & replace. I think Sublime does code completion slightly better but it doesn't quite match the power of Microsoft's IntelliSense so I usually don't bother with it.

Use what you like honestly. Both Sublime and N++ are packed with plugins and custom themes, matter of preference as Vince said. Personally, I use Sublime and it's pretty good.

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