IPL file to CreateObject in Pawno?

I want a way to easily convert object lines in an IPL file to 'CreateObject' lines in Pawno so that I can place map changes from singleplayer into an Sa-Mp server setting as a filterscript without having to tirelessly re-type out hundreds of lines of mapping code in another format. As an example, I want something that can quickly and easily convert many lines of this:

8038, arprtermnl01_lvs, 0, 503.38, -2503, 21.55, 0, 0, 0.707108188464, -0.707105373907, -1

...into this...

CreateObject(8038,503.38,-2503.0,21.55,0.00000000,0.00000000,0.707108188464) ;

...all at once. I've searched for a while, and I've found things that can convert between MTA map files and Sa-Mp filterscripts, but I haven't been able to find anything still existing that can do this. The only thing I could find was something I couldn't seem to get to work, which I've linked below:


It looks like it'd be perfect for what I want, but I'm not sure how to use it. So if anyone could help me find a way to convert this stuff efficiently or help me figure out how that code works so I can convert with that, either would be much appreciated.

You already have everything you need in that link.


That's something he said already, he just doesn't know how to use the script in the link. I don't really know either, though..

  1. Put IPL file in scriptfiles folder.
  2. Change define to match filename.
  3. Compile script.
  4. Run script.
  5. ???
  6. Profit!

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