How to load object quickly?

My current server load object is very slow whenever I spec or tele on a player, there is a delay phenomenon that someone can help me fix and load the object quickly please, Sorry Bad Enlights
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 0
logtimeformat [%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S]
language Vietnamese
mapname SF/LS
lagcompmode 1
playertimeout 10000
messageholelimit 900
ackslimit 7000
rcon 0

First of all make sure that the server isn't running slow. If that happens it's pretty obvious that objects are loading slow as well. To check this use the NetStats functions to get for example the Server Tick (if it's constantly a lot lower than 200 your script is using quite a lot CPU).

Some more info would be nice, I assume you use the Streamer Plugin?

If the server as such is running fine, check the TickRate (first check if you modified it). The values from the server.cfg do not influence this at all. But usually the default TickRate is pretty well balanced so it should work fine (adjust if it still doesn't).
Just note that there will always be a delay if you do not tell the Streamer that, or rather when a Player teleports (use Streamer_UpdateEx before SetPlayerPos to update the position before he even gets there).

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