Wierd Bug.

I got a wierd bug. earier on my server there was a hacker while i was away when i came back all my business were deleted and houses and gates doors everything thats dynamic. And this black textdraw apperead for everyone in my server and its still there.

Is there any more information you can provide us with? How does your house, business etc work? No need to give big chunks of code but nowadays the definition of dynamic is so wide it lost its real meaning, therefore hard to tell what you mean. dialogs or text cmds etc, anything.

Well all the business that were created and doors and gates where all deleted. but if i check the server script files they are still there. And on server log it says that they are loaded.

Are you using a public gamemode? If so, maybe the 'hacker' noticed it and knew some shit about it. Because I can't think of other ways to fuck up a server like that.

Yeah i am. but its been modifed. and just checked through my logs carefully. the gates houses and business doors not loading but i havent touched the script. today. all the files are there. and that textdraw i cant find it on my script

Same, Still wondering how can it be fixed..

btw try restarting the server, if the server log says, the houses and other things are loaded, then it should appear in-game. Unless you have some weird bug in any of your code, or got a runtime error while loading any of those.

Feel free to post your server log.

Textdraw maybe loaded with /text using txd editor if you left it open? Or your rcon was too easy and someone did that.

Logs don't mean jack shit. If the scripter has put a backdoor in the script (shit practice) then he obviously won't tell you with a message in the console.

If you don't have too many houses/business/doors/gates, copy the files and make them a backup in your scriptfiles. After that, slowly load in each house, business, door, and gate through the script. If you load one in and it work, maybe you have a corrupt business/house/gate/door somewhere.

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