What operating system do you use for your server?

I am not running a server right now but I have had the same VPS for many months now and am planning to host a SAMP server very soon on it, so it will be Windows Server 2012. I have never tried Linux and probably won't be for quite a while. There's not really any major reason of why other than the fact that I value design, familiarlization (if that's even a valid word) and that I do not want to try something new right now. With windows you can have most hosting ways (XAMPP, IIS, etc) whilst on a linux you really can't without losing a bit of functionality (from what I have read). I've had many university projects where it was of me required to deal with IIS or running .NET based applications (had to build a website in ASP.NET).

To pay a license just to get what I want to have on a server I host things on? That for me is a good deal and it's purely subjective. Now I know bunch of kids will go "but this is better"; well not for me. I will take time in the future to see how linux works but for the time being I am very happy with what I have.

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