Convert sqlite gamemode to INI

hello guys,i recently download a gamemode which can run only with sqlite browser.Im newbie and i cant set up the server.Can i convert the gamemode to INI,i mean to a simple server??

the gamemode that i downloaded is that

You need to understand that no-one's going to waste their time converting something to an inferior system. Besides, SQLite is built into the server and it is therefore no different than setting up any other gamemode.

Can you create the database of this server for me?

You should be hitting up the release thread, but in all honesty, if it doesn't have the initial database, then obviously it's a broken release.

Unless of course there is something you are missing from the release instructions.

Just hit the samp-server.exe and the database files will be automatically created and you will not need a sqlite browser until you want to change something in the database file.
But if the thread asks you to manually create the tables then you will need the sqlite browser

The game mode is that I can't find the database file

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