GetObjectPos with id

How to get the ID of the object to get the position of.
( P.s.: I'm noot fool to ask this sort of questions, I'm talking about stock objects from singleplayer map. Not custom maps ( CreateObject or CreateDynamicObject ) simply I want to know HOW to find the ID of an object like that RemoveBuildingForPlayer!! )

That's not possible. Modelid is distinctly different from objectid and the default map doesn't handle objectids at all. The default map is just lines in text files that tell the game to place an object with model X on position Y. The same model (e.g. trees, fences, ...) can be placed multiple times.

In radius might be possible?

Btw you don't need to find an object id to be used RemoveBuildingForPlayer, instead just use it's model id and the position coords.

Oh god.... RemoveBuildingForPlayer is just an example

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