Textdraw Box Color Help

Hey, I've been trying for hours to find the textdraw box color for my speedo. I wanted it semi-permanent gray, and I searched for it everywhere, and haven't found any to work. I tried ColorPicker for the color (0xFFC0C0C0) and rather shows this

Here's the code
PHP код:
vehName[i] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(i55.799999436"_");
PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(ivehName[i], 0.30.999);
PlayerTextDrawAlignment(ivehName[i], 2);
PlayerTextDrawColor(ivehName[i], -1);
PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(ivehName[i], 1);
PlayerTextDrawFont(ivehName[i], 1);
PlayerTextDrawUseBox(ivehName[i], 1);
PlayerTextDrawBoxColor(ivehName[i], 0xFFC0C0C0); 

Seems like a copy from Kar's Cops And Robbers ^_^.

I don't know what color picker you used because that color is the exact shade of pink that you see. Textdraw colors are RGBA, not ARGB.

Ohhhh, that's why...

It's not mine, just creating it for a client of mine

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