26.04.2017, 17:48
Can you please help me how to make my code constant gate moving?
I know how to make with command,with playerinrange,but Iwant is that As Soon as Player Connects the gate start moving up and down forever.
help me
Help me in making this constant moving
I know how to make with command,with playerinrange,but Iwant is that As Soon as Player Connects the gate start moving up and down forever.
help me
public OnFilterScriptInit() SetTimer("CheckGate",1000,true); mygate = CreateObject(19277,-50.402030,1829.453125,19.898818,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000); forward CheckGate(); public CheckGate() { new mygate_status; for(new i;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++) { if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue; if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i,10.0,-50.402030,1829.453125,19.898818))mygate_status=1; } if(mygate_status)MoveObject(mygate, -50.402030, 1829.45312, 28.398838, 2.5); else MoveObject(mygate, -50.402030,1829.453125,19.898818, 2.5); }