Server works without PWN?

Guys i started learning scripting and i need help
I downloaded one gamemode from forum, i wanted to edit him, server have both files, AMX and PWN, i tryed to edit TextDraws in gamemode but it dont works, server works without PWN, but cant work without AMX,
My question is how i can edit that gamemode, howewer what i do in PWN server stay same, is there way to edit him, or just way to change textdraws?
Thanks to all in advance

PWN is the file that can be edited,
AMX is an already compiled file... server uses AMX.

You will have to compile the .pwn file, which would compile it into an .amx.

yep, I suggest you using only the amx file to upload it on a host so your code can't be stolen by others.

Also, after you edit in .pwn press that play button at the top to compile..

Oh thank you guys, i thinked that i cant edit gamemode, how i can convert PWN to AMX when i finish with editing, and i can delete old AMX now?
Thank you again

I finded i need do F5 i compiler Still i dont know when i compile it, new AMX will replace old AMX, or new AMX will replace PWN
Sorry guys, i know that thease question are "noob" questions, but i started with this 3 days ago
Thanks again

New AMX will replace OLD AMX. To compile it you press that BIG BLUE ARROR, or that little WINDOW WITH SOME SCREWS up there.
I hope we all helped you.

To complie use f5 and yes new amx replaces the old amx when you complie also if u edited with .pwn it replaces (save changes)the .pwn in the folder
If you got any error with your code feel free to post it

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