20.04.2017, 17:53
Buna seara, daca se poate, am nevoie de cativa scripteri/hackeri ( sa zic asa) priceputi in domeniul PAWN.
Mi-am deschis recent un server, nu de la 0, ruleaza pe versiunea BigZone, si as dorii daca se poate sa intre cineva sa-l testeze de vulnerabilitati.
Am rezolvat tampeniile alea cu Estifondator, s4urik, sqlinjection, dar totusi vad ca sunteti o comunitate destul de avansata in limbaje de genul, si de asta vreau sa-mi oferiti putin support.
Dns-ul serverului este acesta: RPG.RIGGED.RO
Daca se poate sa-mi oferiti si cateva sfaturi. Va rog fara hate, vreau doar putin ajutor. Tot ce nu este in regula cu el, va rog sa lasati un reply. Multumesc frumos.
For English:
Good evening, if I may, I need some Scribes / hackers (to say so) competent in PAWN.
I recently opened a server, not from 0, running on the BigZone version, and I would like if anyone can test it for vulnerabilities.
I've solved those stunts with Estifondator, s4urik, sqlinjection, but I still see that you are a quite advanced community in languages like this, and that's why I want you to give me some support.
The DNS server is this: RPG.RIGGED.RO
If you can give me some tips. Without hate, I just want a little help. Whatever is wrong with him, please leave a reply. Thank you very much.
Mi-am deschis recent un server, nu de la 0, ruleaza pe versiunea BigZone, si as dorii daca se poate sa intre cineva sa-l testeze de vulnerabilitati.
Am rezolvat tampeniile alea cu Estifondator, s4urik, sqlinjection, dar totusi vad ca sunteti o comunitate destul de avansata in limbaje de genul, si de asta vreau sa-mi oferiti putin support.
Dns-ul serverului este acesta: RPG.RIGGED.RO
Daca se poate sa-mi oferiti si cateva sfaturi. Va rog fara hate, vreau doar putin ajutor. Tot ce nu este in regula cu el, va rog sa lasati un reply. Multumesc frumos.
For English:
Good evening, if I may, I need some Scribes / hackers (to say so) competent in PAWN.
I recently opened a server, not from 0, running on the BigZone version, and I would like if anyone can test it for vulnerabilities.
I've solved those stunts with Estifondator, s4urik, sqlinjection, but I still see that you are a quite advanced community in languages like this, and that's why I want you to give me some support.
The DNS server is this: RPG.RIGGED.RO
If you can give me some tips. Without hate, I just want a little help. Whatever is wrong with him, please leave a reply. Thank you very much.