Dialog problems urghh

Here, do this:

public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
	if(dialogid == DIALOG_ADMIN_LEVEL6)
		if(response == 0) 
			new string[1400];
			strcat(string, "{51FF00}/ahealall | /cwspy | /createhouse | /deletehouse | /giveweapon | /respawnallv | /resetallweapons | /gotocase\n");
			strcat(string, "{51FF00}/startcase | /houseinfo");
			ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_ADMIN_LEVEL5, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{98B0CD}Admin Level 5 Commands{FFFFFF}", string, "Okay", "Next"); 
		return 1;

	if(dialogid == DIALOG_ADMIN_LEVEL5)
		if(response == 0) 
			new string[1400];
			strcat(string, "{51FF00}/unban | /uncopban | /copban | /gspy | /resetskin | /getip | /countdown | /respawnalluv | /unarmyban | /armyban\n");
			strcat(string, "{51FF00}/destroyallav | /announce | /ffaevent | /startffa | /destroyffa | /pmspy | /dmevent | /startdm | /glassevent\n");
			strcat(string, "{51FF00}/startglass | /destroyglass | /falloutevent | /startfallout | /destroyfallout | /cvrevent | /startcvr | /lmsevent\n");
			strcat(string, "{51FF00}/destroylms | /adkill | /uncuff");
			ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_ADMIN_LEVEL4, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{98B0CD}Admin Level 4 Commands{FFFFFF}", string, "Okay", "Next"); 
		return 1;
	return 0;
Follow this format for the rest of the levels.

Messages In This Thread
Dialog problems urghh - by Immortal99 - 17.04.2017, 17:40
Re: Dialog problems urghh - by Astralis - 17.04.2017, 19:26
Re: Dialog problems urghh - by Immortal99 - 17.04.2017, 20:50
Re: Dialog problems urghh - by LazzyBoy - 17.04.2017, 21:03
Re: Dialog problems urghh - by Immortal99 - 17.04.2017, 21:11
Re: Dialog problems urghh - by LazzyBoy - 17.04.2017, 21:18
Re: Dialog problems urghh - by LEOTorres - 17.04.2017, 21:23
Re: Dialog problems urghh - by Immortal99 - 17.04.2017, 21:56
Re: Dialog problems urghh - by Immortal99 - 17.04.2017, 22:05

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