
Okay I'm coming with this issue the 3rd time. This time I got more information.
When this bug occurs,

• Textdraws disappear
• Pickups disappear
• Vehicles disappear
• Players disappear
• Mappings reload
• But when this bug occurs, I can see a player chat of another player which is very far away from me. [Roleplay chat]
Just like when we /spectate, but here without the actual view upon that particular player.
• And then everything gets reset back after 2-3 seconds

What can be the issue?
Here is a video of it.

Can you provide more information?

Edited the first post. Check it.

Happened to me once where the script could not handle max players.

a_samp include had MAX_PLAYERS 500, and when I did put a server with 100 slots it was the same as you described.

But it was always like that when the server started.

The script too has MAX_PLAYERS defined. Maybe that's the problem?

does this happens when you are not near players , not sure but sometimes at my server loops created lag and everything dissapeared like here but not sure if its same or nope.

Originally Posted by Sunehildeep
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The script too has MAX_PLAYERS defined. Maybe that's the problem?
Nah. I would check PlayerTextDraw or Textdraw limit which was 256 per player some time ago, don't remember if it was fixed but that was also giving me similar things.

But where do I check those things?

Bump, 3rd thread and again no one replies

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