05.04.2017, 13:10
Well when we use sob**t and change our interior. Then is the callback OnPlayerInteriorChange called?
Probably. I mean, that's how it works right? Here, take an anti-health hack for example. If we use sob to change our health, the anti-health hack detects and responses. See my point
Bunch of bullshit.
Anti heal hacks are working with variables which are the same as the player health is. And if not, for example the health is higher then the variable, the player is probably cheating. I can imagine that the callback is going to call as i can see in the samp source code. To be sure just print your callback if it is going called and cheat a bit. |
And how do you know what player health is?
Also, first of all i dont think you have samp source code, second is that while samp may call callback when interior change, it doesnt mean client will send that notification (we are talking about cheats here). |
//SetPlayerHealth_AC(playerid,amount) - Hook it.
AntiCheatHealth = amount;
if(GetPlayerHealth(playerid) > amount)
//code is crap i know but thats how it works