Random Messages Help

hey so I have made an server random messages system it is working ood no bugs but is there is a way to add and delete the random messages in game?, my gamemode uses dini if required and here is the code
//#define Msg_Name "TIP:"// this name of the random message under testing
forward SendRandomMessage();
public OnGameModeInit()
return 1;
public SendRandomMessage()
	static lastmessage = 0;
	new rand = random(CURRENT_MESSAGES);
	while(rand == lastmessage && CURRENT_MESSAGES != 1)	{ rand = random(CURRENT_MESSAGES);  }
	lastmessage = rand;
	SendClientMessageToAll(MESSAGE_COLOR, RM[lastmessage]);

stock AddRandomMessage(text[])
	for(new m; m < CURRENT_MESSAGES; m++)
			strmid(RM[m], text, 0, 127);
			return 1;
	return 0;
stock RandomMsg()
	AddRandomMessage("TIP: Type /drivingschool To Get Teleported To The Next Driving School.");
	AddRandomMessage("TIP: Type /help to see a short list of our server helpful commands.");
	AddRandomMessage("TIP: The flying school is located at Verdant Meadows, LV.");
	AddRandomMessage("TIP: Type /resetcar to reset your own vehicle to the closest police department.");
	AddRandomMessage("TIP: The bike school is located at Blackfield, LV.");
	AddRandomMessage("TIP: Use /findjob while in vehicles to see our server jobs which can generate money.");
	AddRandomMessage("TIP: Use /ask whenever there's a support operator on-duty.");
	AddRandomMessage("TIP: Have you seen someone breaking rules/cheating ?? /report is the solution.");
	AddRandomMessage("TIP: Type /vhelp to view all vehicles commands.");
	AddRandomMessage("TIP: Every 1 hour of playing = 1 score, at level 15 you can buy an own house, at 25 an own business.");
	AddRandomMessage("TIP: Use /admins to see the online adminstrators.");
	AddRandomMessage("TIP: To see enabled events use /events.");
	AddRandomMessage("TIP: VIP member Level 1 get 2.500.000$ cash in-game, VIP member Level 2 get 5.000.000$ cash in-game.");
	AddRandomMessage("TIP: VIP member level 1 can own 3 vehicles, VIP level 2 can own 6 vehicles.");
	AddRandomMessage("TIP: VIP members don't lose their money, armor and weapons while dying. also they don't lose their vehicle when its destroyed.");
	AddRandomMessage("TIP: Use /radio While In Car For Some New Music.");
	SetTimer("SendRandomMessage", MESSAGE_INTERVAL * 1000, 1);
	return 1;


You would need to create a command that uses your saving system to add a message to a file. Then once you have added the message you will need to reload that file. It would be easier if your gamemode was mysql as its more dynamic.

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