22.02.2017, 15:13
Hi, I made a health bar for serversided health system. It looks exactly like the real health bar on 1280 x 800 resolution, but when I change the resolution to a smaller one it becomes narrower.
1280 x 800 - https://gyazo.com/736f5cfa5df33a457ccb9319967bf3d0
800 x 600 - https://gyazo.com/97b89fb5909d93b584276f1d73263151
On lower resolutions it looks really bad because I need it to cover the original health and armor bar.
However if I create the health bar with progress bars v2 include then it becomes a little bit bigger when I change the resolution, but it still looks a lot better than if it gets smaller.
This the code:
Is there anything I can do about it?
1280 x 800 - https://gyazo.com/736f5cfa5df33a457ccb9319967bf3d0
800 x 600 - https://gyazo.com/97b89fb5909d93b584276f1d73263151
On lower resolutions it looks really bad because I need it to cover the original health and armor bar.
However if I create the health bar with progress bars v2 include then it becomes a little bit bigger when I change the resolution, but it still looks a lot better than if it gets smaller.
This the code:
Textdraw0[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 610.000000, 68.700012, "that's the black box behind everything"); PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, Textdraw0[playerid], 0.000000, 0.492222); PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, Textdraw0[playerid], 544.500000, 0.000000); PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playerid, Textdraw0[playerid], 1); PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, Textdraw0[playerid], 0); PlayerTextDrawUseBox(playerid, Textdraw0[playerid], true); PlayerTextDrawBoxColor(playerid, Textdraw0[playerid], 255); PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, Textdraw0[playerid], 0); PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, Textdraw0[playerid], 0); PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, Textdraw0[playerid], 0); Textdraw1[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 608.000000, 70.939971, "this is the darker red part which is behind the box that fills it"); PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, Textdraw1[playerid], 0.000000, 0.067777); PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, Textdraw1[playerid], 546.500000, 0.000000); PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playerid, Textdraw1[playerid], 1); PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, Textdraw1[playerid], 0); PlayerTextDrawUseBox(playerid, Textdraw1[playerid], true); PlayerTextDrawBoxColor(playerid, Textdraw1[playerid], (0xB4191DFF & 0xFFFFFF00) | (0x66 & ((0xB4191DFF & 0x000000FF) / 2))); PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, Textdraw1[playerid], 0); PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, Textdraw1[playerid], 0); PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, Textdraw1[playerid], 0); Textdraw2[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 608.000000, 70.939971, "this is what fills the dark red box"); PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, Textdraw2[playerid], 0.000000, 0.067777); PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, Textdraw2[playerid], 546.500000, 0.000000); PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playerid, Textdraw2[playerid], 1); PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, Textdraw2[playerid], 0); PlayerTextDrawUseBox(playerid, Textdraw2[playerid], true); PlayerTextDrawBoxColor(playerid, Textdraw2[playerid], 0xB4191DFF); PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, Textdraw2[playerid], 0); PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, Textdraw2[playerid], 0); PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, Textdraw2[playerid], 0);