Saving Class/team


Obviously the script is only saving the skin, yet this code has nothing to do with saving the class. You need to make classid save.

Didnt get it. Anyone else has any other idea?

Have you even attempted to save the class ID on your own? Show us what you've tried so far...

This isn't a script request section, just in case you were wondering.

I dont have any idea how can i do it.

If you have any idea please share it.

Well, you're saving their skin, right? Saving their class is exactly the same... all you're doing is calling it 'class' instead of 'skin'.

Are you sure you're saving that classid or whatever into your scriptfiles ?

I am saving my skin system mysql. I just don't get it how can i get playerclassid like we do get playerskin or player data under OnPlayerDisconnect.

for skin we do script "getplayerskin(player);"

I dont know whaat should i write under OnPlayerDisconnect to get player classid.

You could do it when they request to spawn their class, as it's not like they're going to keep changing it...

It wouldn't need to be done in OnPlayerDisconnect.

Just because the mode you are editing saves everything on disconnection, doesn't mean it has to be done there...

Your post didn't help me. @sew_Sumi

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