09.02.2017, 13:18
The command is to spec another player if he is Admin Level 5 or higher.
Then the script check if I am InCamMod (in Camera Modus) if no then I can use spec and if I type /sp again it turns off
If I type /sp I only get the Error Message "* Sorry, player is not connected"
The command was working, I just added the little else part if he typed /sp again then sp turns off but now nothing works
Then the script check if I am InCamMod (in Camera Modus) if no then I can use spec and if I type /sp again it turns off
If I type /sp I only get the Error Message "* Sorry, player is not connected"
dcmd_sp(playerid,params[]) { if(AccInfo[playerid][Level] >= 2 || IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) { if(AccInfo[playerid][InCamMod] == 0) { AccInfo[playerid][InCamMod] = 1; if(AccInfo[playerid][pGps] != -1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_MESSAGE_YELLOW, "* Sorry, you need to disable the GPS first (/gps off)"); if(!strlen(params) || !IsNumeric(params)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "** Usage: /sp [PlayerID]"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "* Will spec a specified Player"); return true; } new specplayerid = ReturnUser(params); if(AccInfo[specplayerid][Level] == ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel] && AccInfo[playerid][Level] != ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_MESSAGE_YELLOW,"* Sorry, You cannot use this command on this admin!"); if(IsPlayerConnected(specplayerid) && specplayerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { if(specplayerid == playerid) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_MESSAGE_YELLOW, "* Sorry, You cannot spectate yourself!"); if(GetPlayerState(specplayerid) == PLAYER_STATE_SPECTATING && AccInfo[specplayerid][SpecID] != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_MESSAGE_YELLOW, "* Sorry, this player is spectating someone else!"); if(GetPlayerState(specplayerid) != 1 && GetPlayerState(specplayerid) != 2 && GetPlayerState(specplayerid) != 3) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_MESSAGE_YELLOW, "* Sorry, the player has not Spawned!"); if((AccInfo[specplayerid][Level] != ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) || (AccInfo[specplayerid][Level] == ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel] && AccInfo[playerid][Level] == ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel])) { GetPlayerPos(playerid,Pos[playerid][0],Pos[playerid][1],Pos[playerid][2]); GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid,Pos[playerid][3]); SendCommandToAdmins(playerid,"LSpec"); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_MESSAGE_YELLOW,"|- Spectating On -|"); return StartSpectate(playerid, specplayerid); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_MESSAGE_YELLOW,"* Sorry, You cannot spectate the highest level admin"); } else { AccInfo[playerid][God] = 0; StopSpectate(playerid); TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0); SetTimerEx("ReturnPosition",1000,0,"d",playerid); return SendClientMessage(playerid,blue,"|- Spectating Off -|"); } } else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_MESSAGE_YELLOW,"* Sorry, player is not connected!"); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_MESSAGE_YELLOW,"* Sorry, you are not allowed to use this command!"); }