[Debug] Crash Detect Errors

I have loaded the crashdetect plugin on my server and I keep getting these errors spammed.

[22/01/2017 14:42:02] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[22/01/2017 14:42:02] [debug] Accessing element at index 12 past array upper bound 11
[22/01/2017 14:42:02] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[22/01/2017 14:42:02] [debug] #1 001952c0 in public MainServerTimer@_yT () from alrpgm.amx
[22/01/2017 14:42:02] [debug] #0 00195460 in ?? () from alrpgm.amx
The MainServerTimer triggers every second on the server and this error spams several times each second. I run many things on this timer and I'm trying to find out what part specifically of the timer is failing as hinted by these errors.

The server randomly crashes sometimes within a day, sometimes within an hour. I believe it may be related to these errors.

EDIT: I have also been informed that the error might not even be related to the MainServerTimer even though that is what it says.

Search for
<= sizeof
Chances are it will find the culprit.

I only have one of the following for AddPlayerClass:
for(new i = 0; i <= sizeof(Peds)-1; i++)
The rest of the matches match the following syntax; they are all spawnable objects:
if(!(0 <= id <= sizeof(Ladders)) || Ladders[id][sX] == 0) {

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