Desync samp

I have a desync in samp or anything, because my shoots arrive later to the other person and I don't see her stuning or i see the stuning animation but the player still shooting.
Then is difficult play in dm sometimes.

I don't have this problem before (or I didn't realize). I have my drivers updated and i play with good fps in 1280x720 (+100fps). Specs:

Radeon Software Version

Graphics Chipset
AMD Radeon™ R7 Graphics

Memory Size
1024 MB

Memory Type

Windows Version
Windows 7 (Service Pack 1) (64 bit)

CPU Type
AMD A10-7700K Radeon R7, 10 Compute Cores 4C+6G

System Memory
8 GB

My internet conection is good, i don't have packetloss (or 0,2 as much)

Mods i have:


Two examples, and i have gta rip with 1.0US version

This desync is with ALL players.

Please help me, im so desperate. I can't play good

Reinstall your GTA and SA-MP. Try reinstalling SAMP first, if it doesn't work, reinstall GTA.

I trying it a lot of times

Do you use wifi by chance?

I have this router

I have it connected with a cable to the computer (it is identified as the local network)

Idk if this is wifi or cable connection :S

It's cable if you have it connected to your computer via a cable.

I was more mentioning it as home wifi connections are generally bad for any gaming.

Is there anyone else using the connection? What's the connection speed? Is the server located close to you? What's your usual ingame ping? And what's the ping like via command prompt to the server?

If you go "ping -t [Server IP]" without the quotes and [Server IP] being the actual IP, does it show any fluctuations (Ctrl-C to stop it once it's done a bit).

If their ping is lower than yours, you'll always have trouble as well. Their messages will reach the server before yours, always.

My family use the connection, but only for mobile phones, they don't play games etc.
My connections speed is

My usual ingame ping is 60-90

Making ping to ****** i have 50ms and no packet loss.

I can't do ping to the samp server (or i don't know how to do it) Tells me: Could not find the host, if i put the :7777 port ( ping -t for example) , without the port tell me: Timeout for this request (ping -t for example)

I didn't had this problem before, can be for any driver? Radeon software is in the last update, Will have bugs?

The timeout could be them having a firewall blocking the ping, which isn't unusual.

It shouldn't be your drivers, but I wouldn't be too sure.

Have you changed fpslimit? If you have you could revert it, and give other FPS limits to try see if that does affect it. (I don't play with my FPS settings as I usually have no need to, but seeing as you've got FPSUnlock, I'd not think it's a bad guess that you have done some changes in that)

I have firewall desactivate.

I go to try playa with 100fps limit and i will reply here

The firewall I was meaning, was their end... Servers generally block icmp ping so that people can't scan networks via ping, nor use ping to flood.

It's more to make it so the server appears to not be there, unless you connect to the right port.

But yea, try the 100, then try something a bit more normal such as 60 and 30.

The problem persist, isn't for a fps unlock, i go to unistall again my gta and reinstall, im desperate, i don't understand why i have this problem with good connection....i go to pass an anti malware...

Try those lower FPS settings (30 & 60) and see if it improves, but I somehow doubt it'll be how you think it will be.

Malvares detected and deleted, the problem persist. By the way i can't play with 30 fps, so laggy for me (i can't do fast cbug, litefoot etc)

If i install another windows this problem can be fix? Anothers problems with this desync is that i see the people sliding when they finish to shoot me but in my screen i don't see it. Btw, i do a overlock to my monitor (60 to 75hz) this can be cause the problem?

Ok, i see old videos where i played with windows 10 and i had the same problem. It has to be for the internet...

I dunno if it would even help at all, but that "samp-addon" maybe something to look at.

i have noticed that when i connect in a/d servers and the server says "X player has connecten :Country:" i appear as United States and in the wireless menu of the router i have spain as my country (im spanish xd)

Can be this the problem that cause desync?


I trying to connect with VPS for test i have the same problem of desync, and yes.

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