credits system help

so I was trying to make a credits system for my server but I couldn't get the idea of how to make it so what I need is a simple /credits command that u can edit the credits in game and get saved by dini if u can please help me

not credits system

it's credits command

next time ****** it

Originally Posted by Yaa
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not credits system

it's credits command

next time ****** it
I ******d it tho I know sendclientcommand showplayerdialog and so many other ways but I want a way like /editcredits in game I can edit them and they get saved so when server restart credits remain.

or just try this:
PHP код:
CMD:becomeadmin(playeridparams[]) {
ShowPlayerDialog(playeridDIALOG_UNUSEDDIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX"Donate For Admin""To Be Admin By Donating Its easy:\nBasic Moderator(lvl 1) : 5 $\nModerator (lvl 2): 10 $\nServer Admin (lvl 3): 15 $\nAdministrators (lvl 4): 20 $\nHead Administrators (lvl 5: 30 $\nCommunitty Co-Owner(lvl 6): 35 $\nCommunitty Owner (RCON): 50 $\nAnd Thanks. For More Informations Contact [RD]Aymane In-Game.""Close""");

this is mine but u can use it as urs by changing somthings like:
PHP код:
\//means that u will write a new line 
And as u see there is 3 " " the first "" is used to write the menu tittle the second "" used to write what the menu contains and the third "" is used to write the closing word like close,done.
Hope you understand.

Yaa, stop being an a*shole, you a*shole.

I had this shit in my old script, you will probably have to edit it, there you go:
PHP код:
    ShowPlayerDialog(playeridDIALOG_CREDITSDIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX"Cz Cops And Robbers Credits""Credits:\nScripted - updated by JRockie and Mex_Ivanov\nServer Owned And Hosted by JRockie and Mex_Ivanov\nBeta Tester: Helper Team\n------------------------------\nScript Made by Team CZ,  Not allowed to Scam And Sell Script\nCz Cops and Robbers v 5.3.2""Okay""Back"); 

Anyway u can give me ur credits i will make it and send it to you in pm.

Originally Posted by iLearner
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Yaa, stop being an a*shole, you a*shole.

I had this shit in my old script, you will probably have to edit it, there you go:
PHP код:
    ShowPlayerDialog(playeridDIALOG_CREDITSDIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX"Cz Cops And Robbers Credits""Credits:\nScripted - updated by JRockie and Mex_Ivanov\nServer Owned And Hosted by JRockie and Mex_Ivanov\nBeta Tester: Helper Team\n------------------------------\nScript Made by Team CZ,  Not allowed to Scam And Sell Script\nCz Cops and Robbers v 5.3.2""Okay""Back"); 
He isn't asshole he is requesting a dynamic credits system, and yes seems like none have done that so far I may do it if I get time.
You better think twice before opening your mouth

Create a file that lists out the credits. You can easily edit/add by rewriting the file contents.

I just done it in a couple of minutes so i didn't tried it, but should work...
Create a file called "credits.ini" in scriptfiles
It requires sscanf and zcmd

Originally Posted by aymane123
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or just try this:
PHP код:
CMD:becomeadmin(playeridparams[]) {
ShowPlayerDialog(playeridDIALOG_UNUSEDDIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX"Donate For Admin""To Be Admin By Donating Its easy:\nBasic Moderator(lvl 1) : 5 $\nModerator (lvl 2): 10 $\nServer Admin (lvl 3): 15 $\nAdministrators (lvl 4): 20 $\nHead Administrators (lvl 5: 30 $\nCommunitty Co-Owner(lvl 6): 35 $\nCommunitty Owner (RCON): 50 $\nAnd Thanks. For More Informations Contact [RD]Aymane In-Game.""Close""");

Selling admin ranks?
That's kind of sketchy...

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