Can someone help with

SO i'm using CzCnr One And I add line
and edit the
#define MAX_ROB_CHECKPOINT from (42) to (43)
What should i edit except the Include ?

Here is the line that a add

{43, {-1582.5854,956.0735,7.1875}, {372.3125, -132.8916, 1001.4922}, {376.9215, -115.4863, 1001.4922}, 1, 1000, 2000, 4, 5, "Well Stacked Pizza", 0, 2000000, 0},

The arrays

	    - storeID		- this is the store ID, continue the pattern.
		- checkpointLoc	- x, y, z location for entering the interior (this is also the place the player ends up being after leaving the interior)
		- exitpointLoc 	- x, y, z location for leaving the interior (this is also the place the player ends up being after entering the interior)
		- robpointLoc	- x, y, z location for the actual robbery checkpoint
		- storeStatus 	- leave it at 1, server will modify this on the fly.
		- lowestCash 	- certain interiors will give more than others, this is how you define the lowest amount that store will ever produce from a robbery.
		- highestCash 	- same as above, just this is the highest amount.
		- virtualWorld	- this tells the server which world to throw you in, this is so you only get player markers of people who are in the same store as you.
		- interiorWorld	- this tells the server which interior to put you in.
		- storeName		- this defines the name of the store for the text labels, and robbery reports "Jake has robbed Cluckin' Bell" etc.
		- lastRobbed	- this tells the server when the store was last robbed.
		- storePrice	- store price
		- storeOwner	- (-1 for manual load / 0 for "CZCNR Server")

so what seems to be the problem?
no robbery checkpoint shows up?

Yes nothing and the game mode shows errors

// Any One ??

Meh too i need that
Aldo i try to make one but nothing happends in - game , Can some one help ??

Can you post out those errors?

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