15.12.2016, 06:48
I made admin commands which i have tested and working fine in my localhost(my pc), and when i upload it to my host the admin command work for some time and does not work for some time and again it works... strangely i cannot find were the problem arises.... it is possibly due to lags or something i dunno....
eg of my admin command
there must be no error in my code..... any other issues which is known??
eg of my admin command
CMD:spec(playerid,params[]) { new giveplayerid; if(LoggedIn[playerid] == 1) { if(AdminLevel{playerid} >= 1) { if(IsPlayerConnected(giveplayerid)) { //if(AdminLevel{giveplayerid} == MaxAdminLevel && AdminLevel{playerid} != MaxAdminLevel) return SendLangMessage(playerid,_COLOR_RED,"Du kannst diesen Command nicht bei diesen Admin benutzen !","You cannot use this command on this admin !","No puedes usar este comando en este administrador !"); if(sscanf(params,"i",giveplayerid)) return SendLangMessage(playerid,_COLOR_WHITE, "Benutzung: /spec [ID]","Usage: /spec [id]","Uso: /spec [id]"); if(giveplayerid == playerid) return SendLangMessage(playerid, _COLOR_RED, "Du kannst dich nicht selber specen!","You can not spec yourself!","Ya no estas observando."); CMDMessageToAdmins(playerid,"SPEC"); if(GetPVarInt(playerid,"undercover") == 0) { foreach(Player,i) { if(reportedid[i] == giveplayerid) { SendLangMessage(i,admblue,"Adminstratoren haben angefangen deine Meldung zu ьberprьfen.","Adminstrators have started to check your report.","Los administradores han empezado a revisar tu reporte."); reportedid[i] = -1; } } } if(specing[playerid] == 0) { GetPlayerPos(playerid,Pos[playerid][0],Pos[playerid][1],Pos[playerid][2]); GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid,Pos[playerid][3]); new Float:Health,Float:Armour; GetPlayerHealth(playerid,Health); GetPlayerArmour(playerid,Armour); p_healtharmour[playerid][p_health] = Health; p_healtharmour[playerid][p_armour] = Armour; if(SpawnKillProtected[playerid]) spawndata[playerid][spawnkill_protection] = 1; spawndata[playerid][p_world] = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid); for(new i; i < 13; i++) { GetPlayerWeaponData(playerid,i,spawndata[playerid][p_weapons][i],spawndata[playerid][p_ammo][i]); } storerespawn[playerid] = 1; } TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid,teamselection[playerid]); StartSpectate(playerid, giveplayerid); SendLangMessage(playerid,admblue,"Du specst jetzt!","You are specing now!","Ahora estas observando!"); } else return SendLangMessage(playerid, _COLOR_RED2, "Diese ID existiert nicht !","This ID does not exist !","Esta ID no existe."); } else return SendLangMessage(playerid, _COLOR_RED2, "Du hast keine Berechtigung dafьr!","You are not authorized to use this command!","No estas autorizado a usar este comando"); } else return SendLangMessage(playerid, _COLOR_RED2, "Du musst eingeloggt sein!","You must be logged in!","Debes estar identificado!"); return 1; }